Monday 12 October 2009

Mustard Seeds

I've spent a bit of time recently thinking about mustard seeds, mainly because I've also been preoccupied by the need for faith to 'launch out into the deep', and exist in absolute dependence upon God.

Speaking into a situation where the faith of those closest to him was found to be in short supply, Jesus taught his disciples to believe in him, "For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you" Mat. 17:20).

Doing God's work often requires a level of trust that goes way beyond the norm. We cannot expect those around us to always understand why we do what we do; neither can we always anticipate that our plans will fit the timeline we expect them to, but when our steps are taken in faith, we can expect God to be with us, and if God is with us who can stand against us?

As I pen this short message, I do so with a sense of awe, wonder and confidence. Awe towards God for bringing me to such a point in my service. Wonder at God for the provision that has enabled the launch of Steadfast - this mission to serve our persecuted brothers and sisters; And confidence as I anticipate the rapid growth of Steadfast Global, which will allow our further expansion into project development as well as advocacy work.

At Steadfast we do what we do out of love and concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are standing firm in the fire, so to speak, for Jesus. We do what we do for Jesus. We are doing it all for Jesus. To borrow from the blessed Christian songwriter Robin Mark, 'Jesus, all for Jesus, All I am and have and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these into your hands'. We glorify the Lord and commit our plans to him.

Will you stand with us?


Welcome to Steadfast Global

Steadfast Global is a Scotland based ministry with a simple manadate: we are seeking to motivate the church across Scotland to stand with Christians who suffer for their faith wherever they may be across the world.

Our vision is 'to build a bridge between the Church in Scotland and persecuted christians across the globe'. Will you build with us?

We would be delighted to visit your church or group to share about our work. If you would like to arrange a visit just drop us a line at or visit us online at